Education - Move to Serbia

Education in Serbia

Education in Serbia includes several levels and is divided into preschool education, primary education (lasts for 8 years), secondary education (lasts for 3-4 years), and higher education (basic academic studies, master’s studies, integrated studies, and third-level studies).


Preschool education acquaints pupils with the educational environment and prepares them for primary school. This program is for 4 hours every day for about 9 months. Children at the age of 6 or 7 may enter primary schools. Every child has the right to free education during primary and secondary school, and in the case of choosing a private school, the parents bear the cost of education. 


Children at school, besides English, learn German, French, Russian, Italian, or Spanish. Also, there are schools where classes are held in foreign languages: English, Russian and German.


Secondary schools are divided into secondary vocational schools and gymnasiums (grammar schools), that provide general education with a division into social and natural sciences. Those who decide to study are also entitled to free education, but with the achievement of the appropriate number of points, which depends on the test results and grades in the previous education. 


Otherwise, they have the right to study at their own expense in one of the eight state universities or 10 private ones. The largest and oldest is the University of Belgrade with 31 faculties, 11 scientific institutes, and a university library. Between 10,000 and 15,000 foreign students are currently studying at universities in Serbia.

When enrolling a foreign citizen in the Serbian school system, the most important step is the recognition of the foreign school document, which is carried out by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. 




We can help you with the following actions and decisions:


  • – Assistance in choosing an educational institution
  • – Enrollment in kindergartens
  • – Assistance in obtaining the necessary documentation
  • – Communication with educational institutions of the Republic of Serbia
  • – Enrollment in international primary and secondary schools
  • – Enrollment at the faculty and preparation of documentation
  • – Non-formal education (courses, seminars)
  • – Recognition and equivalence of diplomas
  • – Finding professors for personal classes
  • – Foreign languages schools and teachers
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