Tourism / Travel - Move to Serbia

Tourism / Travel

In 2021, Serbia visited around 870,000 foreigners who had 2.4 million overnight stays. In the first five months of this year alone, more than 547,000 tourists visited Serbia, which is 70.8% more compared to the same period last year.
Every other foreigner who came to Serbia visited Belgrade because the capital of Serbia offers the best nightlife. 

The most attended events in Serbia were Exit and Beer Fest with over 200,000 visitors.


Medieval fortresses, old churches and monasteries are particularly interesting because they provide an opportunity to learn about Serbian history, religious customs and rituals.


Serbia’s nature is one of the greatest treasures and consists of fairy-tale landscapes, mountain Stara planina, Đerdap National Park, the river Danube, Uvac, Tara, Golubac fortress, Ovčar-Kablar Gorge. From Vojvodina in the north of the country to Metohija in the south, you will see enchanting landscapes, rare birds like the griffon vulture, the Ice Age of the Resava Cave, or Lepenski Vir prehistoric remains. 


You can choose a large number of hotels, holiday houses, health resorts, spas and wellness centers to complete the full experience. To experience Serbia with all your senses, we recommend that you definitely try the Serbian national specialties, which are extremely tasty and fresh, often made from organic food. 



What can we do for you so that you can experience Serbia in the right way and enjoy all its beauties?


  • – Transfers and transportation organization
  • – Finding good accommodation and booking
  • – Spa tourism
  • – Ethno villages
  • – Mountains and lakes
  • – Skiing, rafting, cycling, hiking tours
  • – Rural tourism
  • – Monastery tours
  • – Cultural and historical landmarks
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